The Law of Attraction

I am just going to cut to the chase that if you think becoming successful does not require hard work and effort then you will not be able to achieve all your dreams and goals to their highest potential. However, hard work and effort are just two things out of many that are needed to become successful. Today I will be writing about the law of attraction. This is a really powerful tool to get that motivated mind set going. I am a true believer of what you put out you get back so make sure your thoughts are focused on nothing but positive affirmations, visualising goals, being open to wealth and more. I know this is easier said than done as we have a tendency to focus on negative things and think about what we fear. This is called the unconscious mind which we think we have no control over but actually we do. Be careful what you think about and say as you never know they might just come true.

Basically, the law of attraction is attracting the life you want and wish for. This might sound easy but it is harder than you think. Whatever you put out in the universe comes back. A lot of successful people talk about this and say how it really changed their life. The law of attraction is a daily practice and it actually shifts your mind and life. You must really know what you really want and why you want it, go after it, work hard, do not give up, connote only positive thoughts and feelings about it and no fear.

These are some tricks to help you to align with the law of attraction:

  • Exercising and meditation help with keeping you in the present moment and your mind will not go off wondering.
  • Visualise everyday your goals and dreams: make a dream board; change the wallpaper on your phone. Get something that is not just a picture but that you connote real feelings and emotions to when you look at it and remember your why in tough times.
  • Act like you already have what you want so instead of using the words I wish or I want use: I love that or I am grateful for.

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'You create your own universe as you go along' - Winston Churchill


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